Инструменты пользователя

Инструменты сайта


Air Lay API v3


Раздел в процессе разработки

Структура запроса

    * api/v2/{controller}/{action}?{parameter1=value&parameter1=value&...}
    * Где
    * controller - контролер в котором производится действие,
    * action - действие контроллера,
    * parameter1, parameter2 ...  - параметры запроса,
    * value1, value2 ... - значение параметров



     * POST
     * Action for edit dataSet objects.
     * @param ObjectId $dataSetId DataSet Id
     * @param string json $commit Commit in edit format
     * @return 200 Ok json/kml/dxf/gml file
     * POST
     * Action for clean dataSet object
     * @param ObjectId $dataSetId DataSet Id
     * @return 200 OK


     * POST
     * Action connect device to tracker
     * @param ObjectId $trackerId tracker id
     * @return 200 OK
     * POST
     * Action for disconnect device to tracker
     * @param ObjectId $trackerId tracker id
     * @return 200 OK
     * POST
     * Action send data to tracker module
     * @param string $type string type object (location/object)
     * @param json $body json object
     * @param ObjectId $schemeId scheme id(if type object)
     * @return 200 Ok
     * POST
     * Сonfirmation of a user's connection to the tracker
     * @param ObjectId $trackerId Tracker id
     * @param ObjectId $userId User id
     * @param int $status Device status 0/1
     * @return 200 OK or 400 Error


     * POST
     * Action for send data to DataLoader
     * @param raw data $body Upload data
     * @param ObjectId $dataSetId DataSet id
     * @return 200 OK|logId


     * GET
     * Get nodes by filter
     * Bbox [[lon, lat],[lon, lat]], first point is top left bound, second point bottom right bound
     * @param ObjectId $dataSetId DataSet id. Required.
     * @param string json $bbox Bbox coordinates in json array
     * @param ObjectId $nodeId Node id
     * @return 200 array Nodes collection


     * GET
     * Get relation by filter: id, bbox, $uniqueValue.
     * Bbox [[lon, lat],[lon, lat]], first point is top left bound, second point bottom right bound
     * @param ObjectId $dataSetId DataSet id. Required.
     * @param string json $bbox Bbox coordinates in json array
     * @param ObjectId $relationId Relation id
     * @param string $uniqueValue
     * @return 200 array Nodes collection


     * GET
     * Get relation by filter: id, bbox, $uniqueValue.
     * @param ObjectId $dataSetId DataSet id. Required.
     * @param ObjectId $hierarchyId Hierarchy id
     * @param ObjectId $parentId
     * @param ObjectId $childId
     * @return 200 array Nodes collection
ru/airlay/api/air-lay-v3.txt · Последнее изменение: 2019/07/11 12:05 — Рыков Павел